Fun, Fun, Fun! That is what this summer has been so far.
Collin had his first tubing experience on Lake Sinclair a month ago and he had an absolute blast. He is so adorable and so gutsy when it comes to trying new things...hmm, I wonder who he takes after in his risk-taking (probably both his mommy and daddy, however, I'm partial to think it's more me, hehe). Pierce also had fun on his lake trip and fell right asleep every time we got on the boat. I just love snuggling my little guy. Last weekend we went back to the lake for the second time this summer and Collin's cousin Braz also got to ride the tubes. We had so much fun and the boys were completely worn out after a day on the water.
I hope we can continue to go to both the McKinney's and the Griffin's lake house for the remainder of the summer any chance we can because I hope Collin can get comfortable and love the water as much as his mommy and daddy do.
We also went to the beach a few weeks ago and we had an action packed time. We played on the beach and went to the water park almost every single day. One of the days, Collin went out in the water at low tide with his daddy and they caught a SHARK. It was so neat to see Collin so excited about it. I hope to create many more memories down at St. Simons Island.
Cars 2 came out this past weekend and to say that Collin is obsessed with it is an understatement. In the last 2 weeks, we've watched the original Cars movie every single day, so when it came out this last Friday we knew we had to go. I want to thank Aunt Sissy and Bee Bong for watching Pierce for us so we could take Collin to the movie. He loves the movie theater...maybe it's the popcorn and coke (I know, I know kids shouldn't have coke... but it helps him stay in his seat for most of the movie, so I don't want to hear about it mommy friends) and LOVED the movie. He hasn't stopped talking about "Mater" or "Liking McQueen" (as he says it) ever since. He also carries around a Mater and Lightning McQueen car every where we go. I guess for his 3rd birthday we will have to have a Cars themed party :).
Until next time, take care!
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